"Quality You Can't Beat"
Read ALL instructions in this package carefully before completing the application. Incomplete forms will be returned. Any omission, inaccuracy or failure to make full disclosure may be deemed sufficient reason to deny a registration or may result in the suspension or revocation of an issued registration.
A COMPLETED APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE: (Use this checklist to make sure you have included/completed all requirements.)
The completed, signed application;
Original certificate showing completion of an 8-hour pre-assignment course;
Signed ID photo utilization Consent;
$50.00 application fee payable to the ESCO. See “Application Requirements -acceptable forms of payment;” for drug and alcohol testing. Reimbursable after 10 consecutive work days.
Any additional documentation requested in response to specific questions on the application form;
Notice of Employment section must be completed by your employer if employment will commence with filing of your application;
If applying for an armed security guard registration, a course completion certificate for 47 hours of firearms training, or a copy of the waiver issued by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (if waived - please see enclosed Security Guard Training Advisory) Note: Security guard employers should maintain one copy of each item listed above in personnel files for each of their guards.
Duties of a Security Guard:
A security guard is a person employed in the State of Pennsylvania to principally perform one or more of the following functions for the: (a) protection of individuals and/or property from harm, theft or other unlawful activity; (b) deterrence, observation, detection and/or reporting of incidents in order to prevent any unlawful or unauthorized activity including but not limited to unlawful or unauthorized intrusion or entry, larceny, vandalism, abuse, arson or trespass on property; (c) street patrol service; or (d) response to but not installation or service of a security alarm system alarm installed and/or used to prevent or detect unauthorized intrusion, robbery, burglary, theft, pilferage and other losses and/or to maintain security of protected premises.
Required Training:
All security guards (except for those waived or exempted) are required to complete training programs conducted at approved training schools by certified instructors. (PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED SECURITY GUARD TRAINING ADVISORY TO FIND OUT IF YOU QUALIFY TO BE WAIVED OR EXEMPTED. If you qualify, submit the documentation described in the Advisory. If you do not qualify, submit training certificates.)
Training programs include:
8-hour Pre-Assignment — a general, introductory course. Must submit proof of successful completion.
16-hour On-the-Job Training (OJT) — relevant to the duties of guards, requirements of the work site and the needs of the employer. Must successfully complete this training within 90 days of employment.
8-hour Annual In-Service Training — must complete within one calendar year of completion of the 16-hour OJT course, and every year thereafter.
In addition to the above courses, security guards who carry a firearm must also complete:
47-hour Firearms Course — Must successfully complete training and submit certificate with your application for issuance of an armed guard registration card.
8-hour Annual Firearms Course — must complete within one calendar year of completion of the 47-hour firearms course, and every year thereafter.
Fee and term of registration:
The non-refundable application fee for a security guard registration is $45.00 payable to the PA Department of State. The renewal fee is $25.00, every two years.
Acceptable forms of payment:
You may pay by Money Order, Company Check or Cashier's Check made payable to the ESCO. Personal checks or credit cards will not be accepted. Do not mail cash.
Employee Statement and Security Guard Application
Notice of Employment:
Upon employment, employer must complete “Notice of Employment” section found in application. An individual does not have to be employed to be registered. Employers must determine the qualifications of each applicant for employment as a security guard. The employer must exercise minimum due diligence steps; specific steps are set forth in the Department of State rules, 19 NYCRR §174.6.
Child Support Statement:
A Child Support Statement is mandatory. The law requires you to complete this section — regardless of whether or not you have children or any support obligation.
Any person who is four months or more in arrears in child support may be subject to having his or her business, professional and driver’s licenses suspended. The intentional submission of a false written statement for the purpose of frustrating or defeating the lawful enforcement of support obligations is punishable under §175.35 of the Penal Law. It is a class E felony to offer a false instrument for filing with a state or local government with the intent to defraud.
The Department of State is required to collect the federal Social Security and Employer Identification numbers of all licensees. The authority to request and maintain such personal information is found in §5 of the Tax Law and §3-503 of the General Obligations Law. Disclosure by you is mandatory. The information is collected to enable the Department of Taxation and Finance to identify individuals, businesses and others who have been delinquent in filing tax returns or may have underestimated their tax liabilities and to generally identify persons affected by the taxes administered by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. It will be used for tax administration purposes and any other purpose authorized by the Tax Law and may also be used by child support enforcement agencies or their authorized representatives of this or other states established pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, to establish, modify or enforce an order of support, but will not be available to the public. A written explanation is required where no number is provided.
Section 89H of Article 7A requires that you notify this division of any changes to your residence address so you can receive renewal notices and any other notifications pertinent to your registration.
Security Guard Training Advisory
Waivers/Exemptions from Mandated Training
Executive Shieleds, LLC
Division of Personell Services
P.O. Box 43731
Philadelphia, Pa 19106
Customer Service: (125) 852-7155
website: www.executiveshielsllc.com
Section 89-G of Article 7A requires all persons engaged in security guard activities be registered with the PA Department of State (DOS), and complete all training (unless exempt) at schools approved by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). The following training will be provided by ESCO:
● 8 Hour Pre-Assignment - A general introductory course. You must complete this course and submit a copy of the certificate issued to you with your security guard application.
● 16 Hour On-The-Job (OJT) - Relevant to the duties of guards, requirements of the work site, and the needs of the employer. You must complete this training within 90 days of employment.
● 8 Hour Annual In-Service - Must be completed in the calendar year following completion of the 16-hour OJT course, and every year thereafter.
Waivers - Applications for a waiver of the aforementioned security guard training may be reviewed up to a maximum of ten years after separation from a sworn law enforcement position in New York.
In addition to the above courses, security guards who carry a firearm must have their registration upgraded to Armed Guard status, and in order to do so must also complete:
● 47 Hour Firearms Course - You must successfully complete this training at an approved school and submit a copy of the certificate with your application for issuance of an armed guard registration; and
● 8 Hour Annual Firearms Course - Armed Guards must complete this course in the calendar year following the completion of the 47 Hour Firearms course and every year thereafter.
Waivers – Applications for a waiver of firearms training for Armed Guards may be reviewed up to a maximum of ten years after separation from a sworn law enforcement position in New York.
For purposes of registration, you may be granted a waiver from training if you can demonstrate completion of training that meets or exceeds the minimum standards for the 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, or 47 Hour Firearms course. Requests for waivers should be directed to ESCO.
I. Police Officers:
The Security Guard Act exempts active police officers from the definition of a security guard. This means active police officers accepting secondary employment are not required to register or complete training.
Retired Police Officers:
In order to be exempt from the training, you must provide DOS with a letter from your department (signed by your department) indicating your retirement date. In addition, if you are required by your security guard employer to carry a firearm, or are authorized to have access to a firearm, you must provide proof to DOS and your employer of having completed a Basic Course for Police Officers (or an equivalent course), that included initial firearms training, within one year prior to employment as an armed security guard.
If your initial firearms training occurred more than a year before employment as an armed security guard, you must complete an 8 Hour Annual Firearms Course for Security Guards and report that training to DOS and your employer.
• If it has been more than 10 years since you retired as a police officer, you are additionally required to complete the 8 Hour Annual In- Service Training Course for Security Guards every year thereafter.
II. Peace Officers:
Section 170.1 of Title 19 NYCRR exempts from the definition of a security guard, any individual designated as a peace officer under Article 2 of the NYS Criminal Procedure Law (CPL). The powers of a peace officer are only valid while the individual is acting in his or her official capacity for their primary employer. Consequently, during outside employment (moonlighting), a peace officer is no longer acting in his or her official capacity, and, therefore, must register and complete all training, (unless the individual has either been waived, or is exempt [based on specific job titles] (see Recent Amendments that may have a direct affect on you, below).
Current Peace Officers Applying for Firearms Training Waivers
If your employer has authorized you to carry a firearm in the line of duty, and you have been employed for 18 months or more and can
exhibit a valid certificate, you are exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Course, and the additional 8 Hour Annual Firearms Course for holders of an armed security guard registration. Individuals seeking registration as an armed guard, must provide the Department of State with a copy of a waiver letter (issued by DCJS) and a certificate of completion for the MPTC Basic Course for Peace Officer with Firearms, or both the Basic Course for Peace Officers without Firearms and Firearms and Deadly Physical Force [long firearms course].
Recent Amendments that may have a direct affect on you:
Section 89-n (4) GBL has been amended to exempt certain categories of peace officers (see Categories of Peace Officers Exempt from Training per Amendment to §89-n (4) GBL, next page) from the following training: 47 Hour Firearms Course, 8-Hour Pre- Assignment, OJT, and 8 Hour Annual In-Service. To qualify for an exemption, a peace officer must either be currently employed in one of the job titles (see Categories of Peace Officers Exempt from Training per Amendment to §89-n (4) GBL, next page), or retired from one of those job titles for NOT more than1 0 years. Although exempt from the 8 Hour Annual In-Service training course for the first 10 years of retirement, the retired peace officer is subject to an 8 Hour Annual Firearms training course, if their basic course was completed more than a year prior to filing their security guard application.
Note: If it has been more than 10 years since an individual retired as a peace officer, they are required to complete the 8 Hour Annual In-Service Training Course for Security Guards, and additionally, if armed, the 8 Hour Annual In-Service Firearms Training Course every year thereafter.
Categories of Peace Officers Exempt from Training per Amendment to §89-n (4) GBL
Sheriffs, Undersheriffs, and Deputy Sheriffs of NYC, and sworn officers of the Westchester County Dept. of Public Safety Services as defined in NYS CPL, §2.10 (2): In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre- Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with either a copy of their Basic Course for Peace Officers certificate, or a letter from the personnel office of the entity for which they work(ed), indicating basic peace officer training. If currently employed, they must also provide a copy of their ID card showing current employment in one of the appropriate law enforcement categories, and that they are in good standing.
Security personnel for the Delaware River Port Authority. In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with either a copy of their Basic Course for Peace Officers certificate, or a letter from the personnel office of the entity for which they work(ed), indicating basic peace officer training. If currently employed, they must also provide a copy of their ID card showing current employment in one of the appropriate law enforcement categories, and that they are in good standing.
C. Uniformed Court Officer (a): In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with either a copy of their Basic Course for Peace Officers certificate, or a letter from the academy indicating their academy training. These courses must meet or exceed the MPTC basic course without firearms. In addition, if the individual is in an armed position, the individual must have completed MPTC Basic Course for Peace Officer with Firearms, or both the Basic Course for Peace Officers without Firearms and Firearms and Deadly Physical Force [long firearms course]. If currently employed, the individual must also provide a copy of their ID card showing current employment, and that they are in good standing.
Court Clerks as defined in Tri-State Judicial Systems): In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre- Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with either a copy of their Basic Course for Peace Officers certificate, or a letter from the academy indicating their academy training. These courses must meet or exceed the MPTC basic course without firearms. In addition, if the individual is in an armed position, the individual must have completed MPTC Basic Course for Peace Officer with Firearms, or both the Basic Course for Peace Officers without Firearms and Firearms and Deadly Physical Force [long firearms course]. If currently employed, the individual must also provide a copy of their ID card showing current employment, and that they are in good standing.
Tri-State Corrections Officers:(This does not include city or county correction officers) In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with a letter from the NYS Department of Correctional Services and a copy of their ID card showing that they are currently employed as a NYS Corrections officer in good standing.
NOTE: Individuals who are no longer active peace officers and do not have a valid basic course certificate, or do not qualify for either a waiver or an exemption, must complete the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, and OJT.